Warcraft: Taming Hellfire Ramparts
2019-09-20Having polished off all the Vanilla dungeons (I want to say Classic but that now means something entirely different), our motley Alliance crew ventured into the first Outland instance, Hellfire Ramparts.
I was super pleased to see our Hunter had already managed to piece together a classic Outland outfit, with some truly ridiculous ‘pants’, clashing gloves, topped off by a fantastically wrong helmet. His gormless face was icing on the cake.

I have strong memories of this dungeon being somewhat difficult, especially the tricky early trash pulls which can easily go horribly wrong, and the final boss, the netherdrake Nazan. Those memories were confirmed when I looked up the Ramps blog entry from our old guild, Midnight’s Children - it sounds like a nightmare, even bringing a rare rallying cry from our Guild Leader:
Midnight Children do not believe in rank or status. As such their guild leader has never issued an order. But I do now. This Dragon must die. All the forces of this Mighty Guild will be bent to this end. No sacrifice is too much, no labour too strenuous. One Horde. One Guild. One Victory.

So it was with some trepidation that we entered, especially as we were reduced to four players. How could we get through this alive, let alone short handed? Incredibly easily, as it turned out.

No boss shot, because someone *cough*Hunter*cough* skinned the body too quickly
Blizzard either nerfed the living daylights out of Ramps at some point, or else our years of playing meant that it was a walk in the park. Somehow I suspect the former. We had no trouble with any trash or bosses, with Nazan falling with barely a whimper. He also dropped a super nice looking weapon called Hellreaver for our DK.

Not quite as convincing on those short of stature
Our biggest challenge ended up being trying to tame one of the excellent Shattered Hand Warhounds for our Hunter. We accidentally killed just about every single one via my Consecration Aura, our Death Knight’s Death and Decay, an accidental auto attack, etc., before our veteran Priest designed a strategy that allowed our Hunter to pull a solo wolf while we distracted its companions.
It was silly but also great fun, a reminder of how the best gaming moments tend to be unscripted and spontaneous.

Good puppy
Eden - Sep 20, 2019
That was so much fun last night…I have proper pants now!